1000+ baptized around Florida on Acts 2:41 Sunday!

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In a day all about celebrating life transformation, the Quinlan family decided to be baptized together as a symbol of how Jesus had been working in their lives. Their church, The Island Chapel in Tierra Verde, was just one of hundreds of Florida Baptist churches that participated in Acts 2:41 Beach Baptism on May 6th.

Becky Quinlan, along with husband Scott and children Emma, Anna and Brady, were just a few of the almost 1,100 believers who publicly followed Christ into the baptismal waters.

The Quinlan’s story joins hundreds of others who were baptized at beaches, lakes, springs and even fountains in a celebration of life transformation that echoed from coast to coast all around the state.

Tommy Green, executive director-treasurer of the Florida Baptist Convention, created this baptism emphasis last year by challenging Florida Baptist churches to get out in a public place and baptize new believers. Now in its second year, Acts 2:41 Baptism Sunday has once again shined a light on the power of our Gospel testimony.

“I am grateful for the strong evangelistic heartbeat of our Florida Baptist churches,” he said as stories of baptisms were shared and celebrated all over social media.

Cornerstone Baptist Church in Inverness had a record number of baptisms at the lake this year. Thirty-one people were baptized, up from the 19 that were baptized last year. Pastor Greg Kell said having baptism at the lake creates a special moment for people and keeps the conversation about the Gospel going for weeks afterward. In the 24 hours following the baptism at the lake, Kell had three people confirmed for baptism next Sunday.

A father and his three children chose to visit Cornerstone on Acts 2:41 day and they all made professions of faith in Jesus and were baptized.

The baptism celebrations actually began on Saturday when 79 people were baptized at the One Family event in South Florida. Churches of different ethnic and racial backgrounds gathered on Key Biscayne to publicly proclaim that, no matter our differences, we are united in the Gospel.

“Events like this are a catalyst for us,” Kell said, speaking of the Acts 2:41 Beach Baptism Sunday. “I already have baptisms scheduled for three of the next four Sundays.”

And Kell said his church likes to know that they are joining with churches all over the state of Florida, using beach baptism to impact people outside of the four walls of the church.

“What a powerful testimony of salvation and baptism through the Acts 2:41 emphasis,” Green said. “We rejoice in lives that are eternally changed through Jesus Christ.”

“Let’s keep pressing on with the Gospel of Jesus Christ!”

Click here for pictures from churches around the state celebrating baptism on Acts 2:41 Beach Baptism Sunday!

By Nicole Kalil, Florida Baptist Convention, May 8, 2018

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