Send Miami: A Kingdom Calling

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A Word from Dr. Green . . .

I am excited to announce the beginning of a unified initiative for Florida Baptist churches. This opportunity has been fully and enthusiastically endorsed by our State Board of Missions.

We are joining together across Florida for Send Miami. The Send Miami initiative includes the counties of Palm Beach, Broward and Miami/Dade. The estimated population of this area is more than 6 million individuals. We have amazing churches engaged in strong ministry across this area. I am calling upon churches throughout Florida to unite for Send Miami.

The strategy enables every church in Florida to participate in Send Miami. The North American Mission Board has set forth an effective plan for church planting and revitalization through the Send Network. Our calling is to accept the challenge as the Florida Baptist Convention for Send Miami. This call will require prayer, sacrifice and commitment to this critical work. If we are serious about reaching Florida for Christ, we must be committed to reaching Miami. This calling is not a Convention program but a Biblical mandate.

The Send Miami initiative has multiple layers of involvement. The financial component will be through the Maguire State Mission Offering. We will be transferring the items usually supported through this offering into our overall Convention budget. The entire focus of the MSMO will be toward Send Miami. This provides the opportunity for every church in Florida to participate as a supporting church through prayer and giving. These funds will be placed in a global fund that will be directed to Send Miami.

Our churches will have the opportunity to accept the calling to be sending churches. Sending churches have the option to partner with existing church planters in Send Miami, join with existing churches who are multiplying churches across Send Miami, or plant a church through Send Miami. Send Miami yields an amazing opportunity for the Florida Baptist Convention and NAMB to unite our best efforts for this Kingdom calling.

The monies received through the Maguire State Mission Offering will provide the resources for our churches in Florida who will commit to be sending churches. The unity of all churches as supporting churches and sending churches engaged in Send Miami will bring honor to the Lord Jesus Christ.

Together we can make a tremendous difference in church planting and revitalization across Palm Beach, Broward and Miami/Dade counties through Send Miami! I urge you to begin praying about how your church can join this powerful movement of the Gospel.

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