The seven-person team from First Baptist Church in Crestview traveled on “rough roads, through mud and rocks” in a recent mission trip to Honduras.
“But that was nothing compared to the Hondurans who walked for hours one way and back to study, listen and take notes because of their strong desire to learn,” said church member Dale Rice, who has made eight mission trips to the Central American country.
“It has been amazing for me, as a banker,” said Rice.
“God brought the right people at the right time for me to heed the call to international missions,” he said.
This fall, seven mission team members from First Baptist, including lead pastor Stan Lewis and worship pastor Andrew Heathershaw, went on mission to Honduras with a goal to make disciples and encourage strong prayer lives within families.
The team worked with Honduras Baptist Dental Mission and missionaries Misti and Jeff Fairchild and John Ward.
Much prayer went into planning the trip–prayer for those who would be called to mission and for disciples to be made.
“We prayed for a solid interpreter and God sent us Jose, who was strong and powerful with the people. He lived in California when he was a youth and was well versed in English and Spanish. We could not have had the impact we did without him,” said Rice.
The men focused on teaching pastors, leaders and members at eight churches throughout the country and also led a seminary class at Instituto Biblico Alas de Fe in La Esperanza, Honduras. Through the Institute, established in 2020, students receive three years of seminary training to prepare them to take the gospel to villages throughout Honduras. First Baptist sponsored Alas de Fe seminary expenses for two students in 2022.
The women on the trip spent time with children, leading them in singing and arts and crafts as they shared God’s love. They made lasting connections with the children, who recognized them and were glad to see them out at the markets throughout the week.
Rice is keeping the momentum going as he looks ahead to 2023 with three trips in the works. Mission team members in 2023 will focus on construction, youth and children’s camps, and follow up study time and visits with the churches visited in 2022.