Port Charlotte church serves as hands, feet of Jesus

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PORT CHARLOTTE-–Members of Murdock Baptist Church responded to the Covid-19 crisis the only way they know how—finding new avenues to serve those around them.

Gospel-centered ministry is not a novel concept for the Port Charlotte congregation. For three years the church has been laying the groundwork for ministry to their community by prayer walking, door-to-door evangelism and serving needs.

Within the shadow of the church is a neighborhood that the congregation has adopted. “I firmly believe that we are planted here and need to be the church to this neighborhood,” said Ron Tipton, pastor since 2011.

The moment the virus began to sweep through the Sunshine State, the congregation quickly jumped into action, creating and deploying corona response and sewing ministry teams.

The corona response volunteers identified ways to love Port Charlotte, according to the pastor, calling, praying and serving.

The team organized a “bags of blessings” project for their adopted neighborhood, providing the 525 families living there with toilet paper, cereal, gospel tracts and church resources, and supplies donated by US Foods.

Murdock Baptist Church, Coronavirus ResponseWhen shortages of medical masks became commonly reported across the nation, the sewing team made masks for those on the frontlines fighting the coronavirus. As production increased masks were distributed to members with compromised immune systems, church volunteers and others in the community.

“Murdock has a very active sewing ministry team that is producing masks for volunteers and those in need of protection to go to grocery stores, doctor appointments and pharmacy visits,” said Tipton. A scripture card accompanied many of the masks.

“I am grateful for all that Murdock and Pastor Tipton are doing to minister to and impact their community with the Gospel,” said Wayne Briant, Southwest Florida regional catalyst for the Florida Baptist Convention.

There is no doubt, to those living in Port Charlotte, that Murdock Baptist Church is a mission-minded church dedicated to serving as the hands and feet of Jesus in their community and relentlessly preaching the Gospel.

“We are plowing ground so it will receive seed,” said Tipton. “We pray for the Lord to bring it to fruition in His timing.”

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