Pastors’ Lunch and Learn meetings to inspire West Florida pastors

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Quarterly “Lunch and Learn” meetings to strengthen and encourage kingdom-minded pastors in the West Florida Region will be held throughout 2017, beginning Feb. 16.

“The meetings will provide opportunity for pastors to gather with fellow kingdom-minded pastors to grow in their leadership skills and develop relationships for reaching Florida and beyond,” said Lewis Miller, Florida Baptist Regional Catalyst for West Florida, who is sponsoring the meetings. “All pastors are invited to join us for these conversations.”

The West Florida Region, stretching from the Apalachicola River to Pensacola, consists of 365 Florida Baptist churches.

Each meeting will have an intentional topic that will give focus to the conversation, led by special guests, who will share their ministry experiences and knowledge. Topics of the 2017 Pastors’ Lunch and Learn meetings are evangelism, discipleship, trends and leadership.

The first meeting, with the focus of “evangelism,” is set for Thursday, Feb. 16. Speakers are Craig Conner, pastor, and Rick McClung, associate pastor for community evangelism, First Baptist Church of Panama City; and Gordon Godfrey, pastor, and Craig Hindsman, connections pastor, Marcus Pointe Baptist Church in Pensacola.

The second quarter meeting will be held May 18, with speaker Robby Gallaty, senior pastor of Long Hollow Baptist Church in Hendersonville, Tenn. He is the author of “Growing Up: How to be a Disciple who makes Disciples.”

“Trends in the church” will be featured at the Aug. 31 third quarter meeting, led by Trevin Wax, Bible and Reference Publisher at LifeWay Christian Resources and managing editor of “The Gospel Project.”

The final 2017 meeting will discuss leadership on Oct. 26.

“At the Florida Baptist Convention, we exist to serve the local church,” said Miller. “This is our stated mission and focus. In the West Florida region, one way we can best accomplish this is by strengthening and encouraging pastors who lead these churches.”

All of the 2017 meetings will be held at Destin’s Village Baptist Church, located at 101 Matthew Blvd., from 9 a.m.-noon (CST).

There is no charge to attend the meeting or for lunch. Participants should register online to ensure adequate lunch is provided.

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