Panhandle Pastor values relationship with Florida Baptist Convention

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At the Florida Baptist State Convention in November, Nathan Brown, pastor of Ray’s Chapel Baptist Church in McDavid, shared with messengers his firsthand experience of what the Florida Baptist Convention means when they say ‘Right Beside You’.

“I love the ‘Right Beside You’ motto – for me personally it’s more than words on a page,” Brown said. “To have access to Dr. Green and to have Lewis here – they are right beside us as we do the Gospel work here in rural Escambia County.”

Pastor Nathan Brown and family.

During a transitional time in the Pensacola Bay Association, Brown was glad to find West Region Catalyst Lewis Miller right beside him as his small rural church contemplated how to position itself to grow into the future.

“We didn’t have a DOM at the time,” Brown said. “Lewis filled that gap for us.”

When Brown had questions about how to get a building campaign started at his church, Miller connected him with the staff at Highland Baptist Church in Molino, who had recently been through the process. Brown said Miller’s role in making that connection was invaluable.

Now Miller is walking through a revitalization effort with the vision team at the church. Brown hopes to build on his church’s 125-year history, expanding their vision and their reach into their community. As the church’s only full-time employee, the friendship and encouragement Brown receives from Miller reminds him that he’s not alone.

Having already served at Ray’s Chapel Baptist for the last 10 years, Brown is eager to see what the future holds for his small congregation.

“Nathan is a respected pastor in that association and preached the recent annual meeting,” Miller said. “He’s doing a great job.”

By Nicole Kalil, Florida Baptist Convention, January 12, 2018

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