NOBTS continues Centennial Celebrations in Hialeah

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Centennial anniversary celebrations of New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary continued over the weekend in Hialeah at Iglesia Bautista Northside.

The church, also celebrating their anniversary of 56 years, hosted Miami Worship on Saturday night and welcomed NOBTS students, teachers and staff to Sunday morning worship.

Chuck Kelley, NOBTS president, tweeted Saturday night: “Having a great NOBTS celebration in Miami tonight w/ our Hispanic, Haitian, & Anglo students & faculty!”

Choirs, solo artists and musicians from Haitian, Anglo and Hispanic backgrounds worshipped God in their languages, many of them students of the school.

Marta Santiesteban, a member of Northside, said that it was a great musical celebration and a great display of diversity.

On Sunday morning Kelley preached at Northside in English with Spanish translation by David Lema, director of the NOBTS South Florida Center.

Preluding Kelley’s sermon, the Northside choir sang “Oh Si Mi Cristo Viene,” or in English “Jesus is Coming.”

Kelley delivered a simple but powerful Gospel message which he ended with an invitation to salvation and reconciliation to God.

“Some worship Jesus on their way to hell and others on their way to heaven. Which will you be?” he asked. “Are you going to worship in faith or are you going to wait to have sight of Him?”

Lema invited the whole church to bow before Jesus in an act of surrender to Him in prayer.

“A people on their knees is a people whom God exalts…a people who change the world…a people whom God blesses,” he said.

For the next 100 years of NOBTS, Kelley says he hopes the school will continue “to offer theological education to anybody God calls and continue to make it accessible to all.”

Lema added that they are also celebrating the “ethnic work in Florida as thousands have come through the Hialeah center.”

For a list and more information on the next centennial celebrations visit

By Keila Diaz, Florida Baptist Convention, March 23, 2018

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