Maguire State Mission Offering touches lives in Florida and beyond

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The Maguire State Mission Offering Week of Prayer encourages unified prayer and giving. The Maguire State Mission Offering focuses on needs in Florida, North America, and Florida Baptists’ international partnerships. Our goal of $830,000 enhances our support of compassionate and specific Gospel-centered ministries. The target areas of application of the funds received through MSMO are endorsed by our State Board of Missions. 

Your gifts to the MSMO provide resources for our partnerships with Cuba and Haiti. Florida Baptists provide quality theological education, church development, training, mission work and missionaries in these areas of ministry. In recent days, I have visited each of these countries and they are extremely appreciative of all that Florida Baptist churches provide for ministry. 

The Florida Baptist Convention continues our partnerships in North America with West Virginia. The funding received through MSMO will be given to churches who travel to West Virginia for mission work. The direct support of our Florida Baptist churches will provide resources for our churches to serve the churches of West Virginia. 

We are beginning a new partnership with Montreal. Montreal is the most unchurched city in North America. It is estimated that 500,000 individuals from Montreal are winter guests in Florida. The opportunity to partner for the cause of the Gospel is significant. The MSMO enables us to have resources as we start this new and exciting ministry partnership. 

The Florida portion of the MSMO provides needed dollars for church planting, church revitalization, disaster relief, migrant ministry, dental services and ministry to children and students. Many lives of Floridians are touched by the love of Florida Baptists through the funding of the MSMO. 

This Week of Prayer unifies us in praying in specific ways for those impacted through this Offering. Thank you, Florida Baptists for your amazing generosity and Kingdom commitment.

By Dr. Tommy Green, Executive Director-Treasurer, Florida Baptist Convention

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