Leaders Engage Students at BCF Missions Conference

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Students got the chance to ask representatives from many different types of missions organizations what it’s really like to serve in the mission field as a long-term missionary during a round table discussion during the BCF Missions Conference.

 Dr. Rich Elligson, chair of the Theology Division and associate professor of Missions at Baptist College of Florida, said it’s that kind of engagement that makes the Missions Conference special. Not to mention the variety of organizations that come each year and the impact their representatives are able to have on the students they meet.

“Students get to see the face of missions here on campus and it’s great for them to understand how they can be a part of missions locally and around the world,” he said.

Technology brought some big enhancements to this year’s conference, allowing Dr. Kevin Ezell, president of the North American Mission Board, and Dr. David Platt, president of the International Mission Board, to speak directly with students in a web-based meeting format.

Tommy Green recalled being inspired as a young person in ministry when he encountered individuals driven by their passion for missions, evangelism and ministry. He is eager to be that inspiration for students today.

“I hope our being here will encourage students to let the Word of God direct them into the path He has for them,” he said. “The calling begins now, not after completing school.”

Dr. Tom Kinchen, president of BCF, gave students this mandate: “Now’s a good time because we have Good News and a great opportunity to share it,” he said. “Let’s not blow it.”

BCF students get one-on-one time with missions reps at BCF Missions Conference.
BCF students get one-on-one time with missions reps at BCF Missions Conference.
Missionaries described need for discipleship, longevity in global missions.
Missionaries described need for discipleship, longevity in global missions.
David Platt addresses BCF students, answering questions and providing information on entering the mission field.
David Platt addresses BCF students, answering questions and providing information on entering the mission field.


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