Florida DR servant volunteers ready to respond

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The Florida Disaster Relief Ministry is a vital and significant part of the Florida Baptist Convention. I am grateful for a tremendous team of  DR servant volunteers who are proactive in preparedness and readiness to respond in times of crisis.

A group of our Florida disaster relief team recently was involved in responding to the flooding crisis in West Virginia. The reports from their ministry testify of the demonstration of the love of Christ in a time of need, which yields an open door to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

In recent years, Florida has been spared from hurricanes and we pray that the 2016 Hurricane Season will be as quiet.

Our DR volunteers continue to train and work at being ready to respond in a rapid fashion to the needs of people in the event of a disaster. We have an amazing team of more than 7,000 servant volunteers across Florida who make up our DR response team.

Delton Beall leads the disaster relief and recovery team for the Florida Baptist Convention. His email is Delton.Beall@flbaptist.org and he would be delighted to respond to questions that you have concerning involvement with disaster relief.

Your gifts to the Maguire State Missions Offering in part provides resources for the disaster relief ministry of Florida Baptists. Thank you for your generous proactive giving that enables our dedicated disaster relief team to be ready to respond when needed in hours of crisis.

Tommy Green is executive director-treasurer of the Florida Baptist Convention, Aug. 11, 2016

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