First Naples baptizes 93

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NAPLES–In the gentle waves of the Gulf of Mexico with partly cloudy skies overhead, First Baptist Church in Naples baptized 93 people, Sunday, April 16.

FBC Naples
First Baptist Church Naples, Florida, baptized a total of 93 people Sunday, April 16 as part of Southern Baptist’s annual Baptism Sunday emphasis. The event has also become known as “Fill the Tank Sunday.” Photo Courtesy of First Baptist Church Naples

Five of the 93 baptisms were high school athletes who came to faith in Christ through one of the church’s pastors who had been an athletic trainer at their school. Now these athletes are sharing the gospel and inviting their friends to church.

“I grew up in the church, and I felt like I needed to take that next step to truly grow and build that connection with God,” said Robin Lubin, one of the athletes who was baptized. “With graduation coming up and stepping into the real world, I wanted to make sure I’m building a genuine relationship with God. And that next step for me was to be baptized.”

‘It’s amazing to see church members, not just pastors, actively sharing their faith.’

Daniel Scroggins Director of Next Steps, First Baptist Church, Naples

Daniel Scroggins, director of next steps at First Naples, said that the baptisms highlighted an exciting move of God in the church in recent months. Many of the church’s 93 baptisms on Sunday came after lay people shared their faith in their offices and neighborhoods.

“There are many inspiring stories in our church,” Scroggins said. “It’s amazing to see church members, not just pastors, actively sharing their faith. As a result, numerous people from various workplaces and neighborhoods were baptized.”

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