FBSC to focus on God’s work among churches

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A word from Dr. Tommy Green:

The gathering of the Florida Baptist family during the Florida Baptist State Convention at Calvary Baptist Church in Clearwater Nov. 14-15 will be a time of celebrating the work of the Lord in our churches.

The Committee on Nominations recommendation reflects the beautiful diversity of our churches. I am grateful for the prayerful and diligent work of this group of individuals. We instituted a regional format for our meeting this year and through technology the Committee accomplished the task. The appointments displayed for kingdom ministry demonstrated by the Committee on Nominations continues to advance the inclusive unity of Florida Baptists.

Click here to view the Committee on Nominations which will be recommended to messengers attending the meeting:

The Committee on Order of Business in concert with our Florida Baptist Convention President Dr. James Peoples have prayerfully crafted an anointed meeting. The combination of fellowship, worship, preaching and business will mark our time together. I encourage you to pray for all facets of the Convention meeting. My prayer is for the power and the presence of the Lord to take over all aspects of our family gathering. I trust that we will be challenged and inspired to #ReachFlorida and beyond with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The State Board of Missions has faithfully served our churches throughout this past year. We will hear a report from the President of our State Board of Missions, Dr. Mike Tatem. He will highlight the decisions made by our SBOM since our last Convention meeting. The SBOM will bring recommendations for our consideration during their allotted time. I am grateful for those across our state who serve Florida Baptists on the State Board of Missions.

We will be blessed with dynamic testimonies of God’s work among our churches in Florida. The sharing of these experiences by Florida Baptists reflects the amazing impact of your Cooperative Program gifts. Your CP giving enables us to be ‘Right Beside’ our churches in ministry partnerships. You will be blessed by these powerful stories from our churches.

I look forward to seeing you at Calvary in Clearwater Nov. 14-15 for our Florida Baptist State Convention.

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