Faithful in Ministry

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A word from Dr. Green…

The demands of ministry presses heavy upon the life of a pastor. The daily responsibilities of a faithful pastor pushes every fiber of his life. The balance of family and church family is constantly challenged. Unfortunately, the pressure of not doing enough or not doing what is expected takes a toll upon the pastor. The unrealistic expectations that are often placed upon a pastor yields consequences that are unhealthy for his family and ministry.

The Word of God reminds the pastor that God brings times and seasons of refreshing over his life. Jeremiah 31:25 states, “For I will satisfy the weary soul, and every languishing soul I will replenish.” How humbling to remember that God knows your name and need! How renewing to recognize that God provides in the midst of your situation! How amazing to experience the sufficiency of His grace and mercy daily!

I would encourage you to focus on the reality of God’s calling in your life to a purpose, place, and people. The following exhortations flow from the experience of my life and ministry that I pray will be helpful for you in the midst of your current challenges in ministry.

Be content where you are planted!

Be committed to evangelism and missions!

Be consistent in Biblical preaching!

Be constant in feeding the flock!

Be concerned about your flock!

Be courageous in your setting!

Be cautious with your family!

Be connected to your community or city!

Be calculated in personal discipleship!

Be careful in every situation!

Be challenging in your leadership!

Be catalytic in your vision!

Be calm in stressful situations!

I pray that God will renew, restore, and refresh you in the faithful fulfilling of the ministry of which you are called.

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