Dr. Green Invites YOU

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A word from Dr. Green…

You have the opportunity to participate in Sharper2019 this week. We had over 1,000 individuals attend the training over the first week. The next offering of the Sharper2019 Conference is this Thursday. We have designed locations that are in proximity of all Florida Baptist churches for this unique learning tool. I encourage you to discover a church hosting Sharper2019 near you and participate this week. Register and find out more information. I encourage you to use #Sharper2019 on social media to highlight and celebrate these statewide iron sharpens iron events. The churches impacted by Hurricane Michael are invited to Hiland Park Baptist Church on Thursday evening, March 14, for a special Night of Sharper in partnership with the North American Mission Board. Do not miss these incredible personal ministry growth experiences!!

The 2019 Regional Evangelism Conferences begin in the month of March. The theme of our Evangelism Conferences is Who’s Your One?. We will have the recently released Who’s Your One? materials available for every church in attendance at the Regional Conferences. The Conferences will include practical insights in local church evangelism, powerful preaching, anointed worship, and encouraging fellowship. Discover the locations and schedules for the Regional Evangelism Conferences.

Thank you for your continued faithfulness in ministry. Thank you for your deep commitment to evangelism and missions. It is a tremendous privilege to be Right Beside You in service to our Lord. I pray that God will richly bless you and your family.

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