Summer Back Yard Bible clubs, Good News clubs, partnering with public schools, Friends in the Park (weekly Bible study and meal for the homeless), FCA, Midwestern Food Bank, Ride Nature (local skate park ministry), Serve Those Serving Initiative, Fort Myers Rescue Mission, Fire Department Chaplaincy, One More Child, Wings of Shelter (local partnership rescuing women from sex trafficking), Disaster Relief, and many international partnerships.This may sound like a list of organizations that a non-profit agency would be involved in and not ministries of a local church. But for Crossroads Baptist Church, Fort Myers, this is what serving outside their four walls looks like every day.
“We seek to be a church that if we ceased to exist, we would be deeply missed by our community,” said David Gold, senior pastor of Crossroads. “All that He is doing in and through us is a work of His grace. We are striving to surrender everything to Him.”
Gold said that the main priority at Crossroads is the Great Commission being “lived out” through multiplying disciples, multiplying leaders, multiplying churches and multiplying gospel-influence.
“The Great Commission is in our conversations and teaching…Everywhere we go the gospel goes and everywhere we go we are on mission. We are striving to be a church that spends less on ourselves and gives more to missions,” said Gold. “Fifteen percent of our tithes, along with other special offerings throughout the year, goes directly to missions.”
Along with committing to increasing this percentage one point each year, Crossroads has also committed to praying vigorously for their community, other local churches, and their national and international church planting partners. “We pray for missions, our city, other local churches, and our partners consistently in our services,” said Gold.
With their love for missions comes their love for the local church and pastors. Crossroads is known for championing and partnering in prayer with other churches and pastors. “It is a part of our culture to pray for other churches and for their gospel proclamation.”
Gold understands that Crossroads is not able to do this large amount of kingdom-work without their church members’ selfless giving, faithful prayer partners in ministry, and the Florida Baptist Convention (FBC) being “Right Beside” them.
“The FBC has been a great resource by helping us house teams for disaster relief and connecting us with our church planting partners through Send Miami. We have developed personal relationships and partnerships in Miami that have been matured and facilitated by Wayne Briant, Southwest Regional Catalyst for the FBC, and James Peoples, Send City Missionary with the North American Mission Board (NAMB),” said Gold.
Crossroads Baptist Church has completely devoted themselves to living intentionally and missionally in order to share the gospel. “He is transforming us and continuing to change the landscape of our church. We are seeing more and more people pursuing Jesus as their greatest treasure, embracing God’s mission…and learning to live on mission where they live, work and play.”
We helped build and attended this church for over 16 years Pray it grows many Christian brothers and sisters gave served and gave to maintain it Rev Roger Bradley And Bill Love preached great messages there
John and Norita – it is so good to hear that God used you in the life of Crossroads Baptist Church. God is certainly moving in all of our Florida Baptist churches!