Collegiate Weekend, Challenge 2025 Gathering

Collegiate Weekend

On February 16th, Florida Baptist pastors and leaders will gather for Challenge 2025 in Orlando, FL. The focus of the event is on coming together as Florida Baptist churches to reach Florida with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

With 1 million college students in the state of Florida, collegiate ministry leaders play a strategic role in equipping such a large population for the accomplishment of such a goal. On February 19-20, the weekend following the Challenge 2025 event in Orlando, ministry leaders are encouraged to plan strategic outreach events for their students. This may include campus evangelism, community restoration, church revitalization, or any number of other service projects.

Some groups may want to include worship and/or other components. Each church and campus ministry should plan what’s best for their context. We may not be able to gather for the State Collegiate Conference in light of COVID-19 restrictions, but we can serve our communities, all over the state, for the glory of God!

    A few steps that you can take for Collegiate Weekend:

  1. Plan your weekend. Organize an outreach project with your group that will be a catalyst for greater ministry moving forward. Consider partnering with a local Baptist Collegiate Ministry or another local church.
  2. Share your outreach plans on the Florida Baptist College Ministry Facebook group.
  3. Train your students in evangelism. Helpful resources:
    3 Circles (simple gospel presentation)
    The Story (biblical metanarrative as evangelism)
    Four Spiritual Laws (simple, four steps to relationship with God)
    Soularium (photos as conversation starters)
    Gospel Appointments (evangelistic meetings)
    The Great Exchange (spiritual surveys)
  4. Follow up with contacts made.

Dr. Green Invites You

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