Clothing Resources

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James 2:15-16 “If a brother or sister is without clothing and in need of daily food, and one of you says to them, ‘Go in peace, be warmed and be filled,’ and yet you do not give them what is necessary for their body, what use it that?”

The financial pressures of transitioning from one’s old country to the United States and the State of Florida can be very burdensome to our new international neighborhoods. To help offset some of these transitional costs, the church can step in and provide important and vital ministries to help.

A clothing ministry provides an opportunity for the family of God to share with others in need. It is a statement of faith that says that God has graciously provided for us and we want to share these physical blessings with you and your family.  A powerful message is made to those in need of this ministry when they clearly see the evidence of how much others care. Gospel conversations and actions are at the heart of this ministry!

To create an effective clothing ministry requires a lot of hard work, outstanding volunteers and good policies. In order to not limit the effectiveness and scope of this ministry, the clothing must not be old, undesirable by your community, dirty, or out dated. Your available clothing and even the presentation of the clothing is an indication to each guest of your ministry the level of concern you have for them. This ministry opportunity provides for the volunteers in this ministry to truly be the “hands and feet” of Jesus to those in need.

Need assistance developing a clothing ministry in your church for your community?
Contact Marc Johnston, Community Ministries Catalyst.