Behind the scenes servants serve without fanfare

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A word from Dr. Green…

Behind the Scenes! This phrase recognizes the critical role that individuals play in the ministry of a local church. A church does not function in a healthy manner without those who serve beyond the recognition of others. These tireless and often thankless servants dedicate their time and resources to honor the Lord. They are committed to doing whatever it takes for the sake of the ministry of the church and to the honor and glory of Christ.

Individuals who serve our preschoolers, children, students and adults provide a powerful testimony of abandonment to Christ. The volunteers who set up and tear down worship space each week. Faithful members who put additional items in worship guides and pew racks. Believers who play instruments and sing in expressing praise and worship to the Lord. People who paint, plant, cook, clean and do other work that is overlooked and taken for granted. Those who fervently and expectantly pray for the ministry of the church. The list of “behind the scenes’ cannot be rendered in a comprehensive manner because servants serve without fanfare.

The blessing of individuals that visit shut-ins, nursing homes and keep in contact with people who have experienced life changes that prohibit them from being involved with the church. Those who provide encouragement and love through calls, cards and letters never publicly recognized. These touches express the value of all to the church and the importance of the church family. I applaud our senior adults because they clearly model for all how to serve “behind the scenes” in a consistent manner that honors Christ.

I have always been encouraged to pay attention to every detail. The expansive nature of church ministry often neglects and overlooks every detail. I rejoice that in our churches we find a silent yet spiritual group of people who pay attention to every detail. The details are not facts but ministry crucial to the life of the church. Thank you to all who serve the Lord without acknowledgement or applause in a “behind the scenes” fashion. Well done! Good and faithful servants!!

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