A message to Florida Baptist Pastors from Dr. Tommy Green

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Dear Pastor,

I ask that we continue together in prayer for victims of sexual abuse, abuse survivors, and those whose lives have been shattered by predators and abusers. We must continue to take steps to assure that proper standards, procedures, and practices are in place in our churches to protect the innocent and vulnerable. I believe that the decision of the SBC Messengers in Nashville strongly communicated a path forward in this matter for the Southern Baptist Convention.

I join with you in deep concern and frustration over the recent activities of the Executive Committee in reference to the directive of the SBC Messengers. My prayer is that this matter will be resolved quickly. I encourage us to continue in prayer for the right decision to be made for the glory of God. I am grateful for our Florida Baptist Executive Committee members who are seeking to move this matter ahead to honor the Lord and fulfill the will of the SBC Messengers.

I have received inquiries in reference to Cooperative Program giving. The question focuses on – Can we bypass an SBC entity with our CP gift? The answer is that the Florida Baptist Convention exists to serve the churches of the Florida Baptist Convention. If a church instructs us in their giving to not fund a certain part of the total CP program, we will do exactly what the church requests. You can communicate this desire in your CP remittance sheet that we receive with your CP gift.

I believe the Cooperative Program remains the most powerful tool for mobilizing resources for fulfilling the Great Commission. I am committed to helping you and your church in this vital Kingdom mission.

I am grateful for you and your ministry. I express my love and appreciation to you during Pastor Appreciation Month. May God continue to unite our Florida Baptist Family to Reach Florida for Christ!!


In Christ,

Dr. Tommy Green

Executive Director-Treasurer

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