2017 Missionary Moments | 52 Sundays

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2017 Missionary Moments Download

Through the 2017 Missionary Moments Prayer Guide and Offertory Statements, you will have opportunity to catch a view into the lives and ministries of missionaries who serve Southern Baptists as state Baptist convention, North American Mission Board (NAMB) or International Mission Board (IMB) servants of the Lord.

The power of prayer and gifts through the Cooperative Program, the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering®, the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering® or state convention missions offerings help sustain more than 10,000 missionaries as they take the good news of Jesus Christ to the lost worldwide.

Present Missionary Moments weekly during a worship service, in a Sunday School class or small group meeting, at the midweek prayer service, at missions meetings or as sermon illustrations.  Join thousands of Southern Baptists in prayer as we lift each featured servant to the Father.  Additional copies of Missionary Moments may be obtained from your state convention office, purchased by visiting stewardshipdirect.com or from the Cooperative Program office in Nashville, Tennessee.

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