Florida’s partnerships bear eternal fruit

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Florida Baptists have engaged in vital and healthy partnerships outside of our state through the years. Our current partnerships include Haiti, Cuba and West Virginia. The involvement of our state in these relationships focuses upon financial support, mission teams, prayer and training opportunities. The point person from our Florida Baptist Convention team for information and participation is Craig Culbreth. Craig can be contacted through email at craig.culbreth@flbaptist.org.

I have visited Haiti and Cuba in recent months and experienced their genuine appreciation for the commitment of Florida Baptists. We fully recognize that we are not the only individuals providing resources and mission teams to these countries. Yet, we are significant partners with their churches in fulfilling the Great Commission. Our financial gifts provide critical funds for theological education, church planting, church development, training facilities, church building, campgrounds and other needs for quality ministry.

The commitment of the Florida Baptist Convention is to be a conduit for facilitating opportunities of global ministry for our Florida Baptist churches. The proximity of Cuba and Haiti to Florida enables us to respond to the call of come and help us! The significant relationships with churches established by our churches in these countries provide an open door for the ministry of the Gospel.

Thank you Florida Baptists for giving to the Maguire State Missions Offering that provides essential funding for these partnerships. Your generosity in giving and going to these partnership areas bears eternal fruit for the Kingdom. I encourage your church to consider a future ministry experience in these partnership areas. Please contact the Florida Baptist Convention and we will assist you in this process.

I celebrate the tremendous heart of evangelism and missions daily demonstrated by the churches of the Florida Baptist Convention.

Tommy Green is Executive Director-Treasurer of the Florida Baptist Convention

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